State legislators earmark funds for downtown enhancements in Hudson

Rep. Hogan and Sen. Eldridge were pleased to present an earmark from the State Legislature for $50,000 to the Hudson BID Board of Directors during “Celebrate Hudson 2024”!
The downtown is a vibrant testament to the BID and other stakeholders who worked tirelessly to articulate a plan, promote small business, share a vision, and create a revitalized downtown area that welcomes everyone!
As we look around, it’s hard to find something that was not touched in some way by these visionaries from the expansion, redevelopment, and addition of new downtown business to ArtsFest & Celebrate Hudson, to The Assabet Riverwalk project that connects favorite locales.
Hogan and Eldridge are proud to support the Downtown Hudson Business Improvement District’s efforts and to present a ceremonial check for $50,000 that will be used to continue investment in our downtown revitalization.

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