Rep. Hogan shares legislative update

In her latest e-newsletter, Rep. Hogan shares updates on a number of important bills that were recently finalized by the Legislature, including a critical bond bill to address our housing crisis, an update to the laws on parentage in Massachusetts, a ban on PFAS in firefighter gear, landmark Veterans legislation, and legislation to strengthen the long-term healthcare sector, maternal health, our firearm safety laws, and wage transparency.

Also included is information on legislation filed by Rep. Hogan and recently signed into law, including a bill to stop sexual assault by medical professionals and a provision in the long-term care bill to offer financial assistance to disabled seniors through the use of pooled trusts.

Details on all of these legislative efforts, as well as the $58 billion FY25 budget that is focused on affordability for residents and economic competitiveness for the Commonwealth and an update on the 21st Century Agriculture Commission that Rep. Hogan co-chairs, can be viewed at:


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